Zornia muriculata Mohlenbr. APNI*
Description: Prostrate to erect perennial to c. 40 cm high, ± gland-dotted, pubescent.
Leaves with 2 leaflets, elliptic to linear, 0.8–2.5 cm long, 2–4 mm wide, pubescent; petioles c. 10 mm long; stipules lanceolate, 6–8 mm long, apex acute.
Inflorescences 3–12 cm long; bracts lanceolate to narrow-ovate, 8–10 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, densely pubescent. Calyx c. 3.5 mm long. Corolla red or orange and yellow, c. 10 mm long.
Lomentum c. 10 mm long; articles 3–6, reticulate, glabrous or sparsely ciliate, bristles few.
Distribution and occurrence: in grassland, not common; in the Grafton and Bourke–Brewarrina districts.
NSW subdivisions: NC, ?NWP
Other Australian states: Qld N.T. W.A.
Text by T. A. James Taxon concept:
N.S.W. occurrences are: subsp. angustata |
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.