Westringia viminalis B.J.Conn & M.E.Tozer APNI* Description: Weak, openly branched shrub, 0.5–1 m high; branches subterete to subquadrangular, moderately to densely hairy; hairs more or less appressed, antrorse.
Leaves in whorls of 4 (rarely 3); lamina narrowly elliptic to obovate or linear, 10–18(-21) mm long, 1–2.5(-3.5) mm wide, lower surface very densely hairy, sparser above; base acute to attenuate; margins entire and recurved; apex aubacute to rounded; venation not visible.
Inflorescence a leafy raceme-like conflorescence, confinded to distal nodes; uniflorescence 1-flowered; pedicel 0.5–1(-2) mm long. Calyx green, appearing white because densely hairy; tube 3.5–4.5(-5) mm long; lobes triangular to broadly triangular, 2–3(-3.2) mm long; calyx lobe to tube ratio 0.5–0.7(-0.8). Corolla 13–15 mm long, white with orange to brown dots medially on lower surface of tube and mouth, or dots absent. Ovary and style 9–10 mm long.
Mericarps 1.6–2.2 mm long. Seeds flattened, narrowly obovate in outline, 1.5–1.8 mm long.
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to Lord Howe Island. Occurs in stunted shrubland co-dominated by Metrosideros nervulosa, Cassinia tenuifolia and Olearia ballii, on steep mountain slopes.
NSW subdivisions: LHI
Text by B.J. Conn (2004) Taxon concept: B.J. Conn & M.E. Tozer (1993)
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