Veronica arenaria A.Cunn. ex Benth. APNI* Synonyms: Derwentia arenaria (Benth.) B.G.Briggs & Ehrend. APNI* Parahebe sp. B sensu Jacobs & Pickard (1981) APNI* Parahebe arenaria (A.Cunn. & Benth.) Heads APNI*
Description: Woody herb or softly woody shrub with several erect, sparingly branched stems from a small woody rootstock, stems 30–100 cm high with short, rigid, antrorsely curved hairs mainly in longitudinal bands; stems usually dying back to base after fruiting.
Leaves linear and entire or with a few teeth or with spreading irregular linear lobes, acute, 2–5.5 cm long, 1–3 mm wide (excluding lobes which are to 8 mm long and 1.3 mm wide), glabrous except for short antrorsely-curved papillose hairs on margins; sessile.
Racemes mostly 20–35 cm long, 50–100-flowered. Calyx lobes 4–10 mm long and 1–1.5 mm wide in fruit, margins with sparse very short hairs. Corolla 7–10 mm long, bright violet-blue.
Capsule broad-obovate, 3.5–6 mm long, 2.5–3.5 mm wide, emarginate, with short hairs on upper margin, slightly glossy.
Flowering: spring to early autumn.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows on rocky slopes and river flats, in sandy soils, often in eucalypt woodland; western edge of tablelands and Slopes, north from Mendooran.
NSW subdivisions: NT, NWS
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by B. G. Briggs & R. O. Makinson Taxon concept: as under Derwentia arenaria Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.