Sida pleiantha F.Muell. APNI*
Description: Prostrate to spreading subshrub; indumentum of large and small stellate hairs.
Leaves obovate to ovate or lanceolate, 1–4 cm long.
Flowers 3–15 in axillary clusters, often quite dense, pedicels 5–10 mm long. Calyx 3–5 mm long. Petals deep yellow to orange.
Fruit depressed, 5–6 mm diam., densely stellate-pubescent; mericarps 7–10, ± smooth on back, not reticulate on the sides, rounded at apex.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows on sandy clay soils in open forest; one record from N.S.W., near Yetman.
NSW subdivisions: NWS
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by A. S. Mitchell & E. H. Norris Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 1 (1990)
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