Scutellaria racemosa Pers. APNI*
Description: Perennial herb; branches glabrous or with a few sessile glands and antrorse simple hairs.
Leaves with lamina narrow-ovate or narrow-triangular to narrow-oblong, 2–2.6 cm long, 3–11 mm wide; base hastate on mature leaves, often with acuminate auricles; margins entire or shallowly sinuate, lower surface glabrous or with a few sessile glands and antrorse hairs; petiole 3–6 mm long.
Sepals 2–3 mm long or to 5 mm in fruit, often tinged purple. Corolla c. 5 mm long, white or pink to mauve with dark purple markings; lower lip slightly longer than upper lip.
Flowering: mostly October–February
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in moist areas in forest and woodland and as a garden weed; naturalized in Sydney district. Native of Amer.
NSW subdivisions: *NC, *CC, *SC
Text by B. J. Conn Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
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