Common name: Sand Twinleaf
Roepera ammophila (F.Muell.) Beier & Thulin APNI* Synonyms: Zygophyllum ammophilum F.Muell. APNI*
Description: Small erect or ascending annual.
Leaflets articulate at base, linear, 10–25 mm long, apex obtuse or ± truncate to slightly emarginate.
Sepals 4. Petals narrow-oblanceolate, c. 3 mm long, about as long as sepals, white. Stamens 4; filaments without wings in lower part. Fruiting pedicels 2–4 mm long, spreading to reflexed.
Capsule acutely 4-angled, campanulate to turbinate, 5–7 mm long, truncate; seeds usually 3 or 4 per loculus, finely wrinkled-granular or smooth, dark-brown to greyish.
Flowering: August–November
Distribution and occurrence: Grows chiefly on red, white and grey sands and clay, sandy loams, and occasionally at margins of salt flats with gypsum on yellow-brown silt; west of Lake Cargelligo area. Common in South Australia, with a few records from other States.
NSW subdivisions: NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP
Other Australian states: Vic. S.A. W.A.
Text by Hj. Eichler (1992); edited KL Wilson (Jan 2014) Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.