Pterostylis aneba D.L.Jones APNI* Description: Terrestrial herb.
Leaves 3–5, scattered up the scape, 30–60 mm long, 8–16 mm wide, dark green, fleshy, margins plane or undulate.
Scape 10–20 cm tall, scabrous, 1-flowered. Flower erect, 30–40 mm long, 8–12 mm wide, light green to dark green and white; galea apex mostly erect. Dorsal sepal 30–40 mm long, 14–17 mm wide, slightly longer than the petals, dorsally scabrid, apex acute. Lateral sepals with a relatively wide lateral gap; synsepalum 26–30 mm long and 14–17 mm wide, green and white, curved when viewed from the side; sinus narrowly and deeply notched; free points 15–20 mm long, tapered, erect or recurved. Petals oblong, falcate, 35–40 mm long, 6–7 mm wide, green and white; posterior flange vestigial; apex obtuse. Labellum protruding when set; lamina oblong-elliptical, 15–18 mm long, 3–3.5 mm wide, curved abruptly forwards just above the middle, apex obtuse; basal appendage recurved, c. 2.5 mm long, penicillate.
Flowering: December–February
Distribution and occurrence: South-eastern New South Wales and North-eastern Victoria, above 700 m. In grassy sites and near streams in montane forest and swamps.
NSW subdivisions: ST
Other Australian states: Vic.
Pterostylis aneba, P. alpina, and P. monticola are three similar and possibly closely related species. Within this group, if an individual has free tips to the lateral sepals swept back then it is P. alpina; free lateral sepal tips erect and galea hood more or less level it is P. monticola; and free lateral sepal tips erect and galea hood inclined upward it is P. aneba. Pterostylis aneba differs from P. monticola further in having narrower flowers, and a labellum curved near the middle whose apex is blunt. The difference in labellum apex is slight, compare Fig. 3.17e in Jones (2006) with Fig. 3k in Jones (1994), and the difference between 'curved near the middle' and 'curved in the distal quarter' is rather fine, given Figs 3.17d and and 3j in the same publications. The photos by Lachlan Copeland above are from the type locality of Pterostylis aneba.
Text by Matt A.M. Renner (6 Dec 2019) based on Jones (2006) Taxon concept: Jones DL (2006) Miscellaneous new species of Australian Orchidaceae. Australian Orchid Research 5: 45–111. Jones DL (1994) New species of Orchidaceae from south-eastern Australia. Muelleria 8(2): 177–192.
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