Prostanthera porcata B.J.Conn APNI*
Description: Erect shrub, 1.5–2 m high; branches 4-ridged, glabrous, densely glandular.
Leaves with lamina flattened, slightly channelled basally ± elliptic to narrow-elliptic, 22–36 mm long, 7–14 mm; apex ± obtuse; base attenuate; margins entire or minutely notched to minutely lobed; surfaces glabrous with upper surface hairy along midrib; petiole 2–8 mm long.
Flowers single, in acils of leaves; bracteoles 2.8–5.6 mm long. Calyx 12–15.5 mm long; tube 8–9 mm long; lobes 5–7 mm long. Corolla 23–27 mm long; cream basally, shading to pink on lobes, or deep pink throughout; tube 15–22 mm long.
Flowering: spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in Eucalyptus agglomerata–E. sieberi forest, on steep rocky slopes with skeletal sandy loam soils on metamorphosed sandstone and conglomerates; in the Budawang Ra.
NSW subdivisions: SC, ST
Text by B. J. Conn Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
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