Prostanthera elisabethae B.J.Conn & T.C.Wilson APNI* Description: Erect to spreading shrub, up to 2(-2.5) m high; branches quadrangular, distinctly 4-ridged to 4-winged, glabrous, except for a few minute hairs at or near nodes between base of opposite leaves.
Leaves almost sessile; petiole indistinct, c. 1 mm long; lamina oblong to narrowly elliptic, sometimes appearing linear because margin often slightly recurved to revolute,15–26 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, base shortly attenuate, margin entire, apex subacute.
Flowers occurring singularly in distal leaf axils; pedicels long, 10–22 mm long; bracteoles often slightly sub-opposite; calyx with lower lobe longer than upper lobe; corolla 12–13 mm long, pink-mauve, paler to almost white toward base of lobes, with darker maroon and dull orange markings in throat and base of lower lobe; stamens with a short appendage.
Mericarps maturing to dark brown.
Flowering: Possibly flowers throughout much of the year; flowering and fruiting specimens collected in May–July and in October.
Distribution and occurrence: Only known from the Ashby area, near Maclean, in the North Coast region of New South Wales. Open sclerophyll Eucalyptus pilularis - Corymbia intermedia forest, in sandy soils derived from sandstone.
NSW subdivisions: NC
Text by Barry Conn (Oct 2014) Taxon concept:
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.