Prasophyllum candidum R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones APNI*
Description: Terrestrial herb, to 50 cm high.
Leaf to 40 cm long, yellowish green.
Inflorescence usually < 40-flowered, densely crowded. Flowers greenish to whitish and fragrant. Dorsal sepal linear to obovate, to 12 mm long, incurving. Lateral sepals linear to lanceolate, to 12 mm long, free to base and widely divergent. Lateral petals linear to lanceolate, to 10.5, with a dark, central stripe, margins entire. Labellum to 12 mm long and 7 mm wide, ovate-oblong when flattened; in living flowers the upper half of the lamina recurved until it protrudes from between the lateral sepals, upper margins very crisped to ruffled. Callus plate to 7 mm long, 3.5 mm wide, yellowish green, with a central channel, the tip deeply forked but not extending far beyond the recurved bend in the lamina. Column wings falcate, pinkish; rostellum as high as wings.
Flowering: December–February
Distribution and occurrence: Restricted to subalpine meadows above 1000 m alt.; most common in and around Kosciusko N.P.
NSW subdivisions: ST
Other Australian states: Vic.
Text by P. Bernhardt & R. R. Rowe Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 4 (1993)
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