Common name: Heathland Leek-orchid
Prasophyllum affine Lindl. APNI*
Description: Terrestrial herb, to 50 cm high.
Leaf to 50 cm long.
Inflorescence usually < 40-flowered, moderately dense. Flowers with tints of green, red, brown and purple, thick-textured, strongly scented. Dorsal sepals ovate to lanceolate, 9–12 mm long. Lateral sepals to 12 mm long, leathery, joined or partly free but not diverging, margins incurved. Lateral petals linear to oblong, 8–10 mm long, horizontal, apex incurved, acute. Labellum on a thick claw, green to purple-red, lamina on a thick claw, ovate to lanceolate when flattened; in living flowers lamina with base erect, flat upper half recurved at 90° , often constricted near the middle, margins entire. Callus plate green to purple, triangular, glistening, occupying most of the recurved part of the labellum. Column wings falcate, c. 3 mm long, truncate, red or green; rostellum short and broad.
Flowering: November–December, flowering more freely after fire.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in heath, avoiding swampy habitats; south from Sydney region.
NSW subdivisions: CC, SC
Other Australian states: Vic.
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Endangered; Commonwealth EPBC: Endangered
Previously confused with P. fuscum which is confined to the Blue Mtns and Hawkesbury sandstone.
Text by P. Bernhardt & R. R. Rowe Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 4 (1993)
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