Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth APNI* Synonyms: Piper blandum Jacq. APNI*
Description: Erect semi-succulent herb to 30 cm high.
Leaves opposite, ovate to obovate, 1–5 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, apex obtuse to acute, base cuneate to rounded, margins entire, pubescent, usually 5-veined from base; petiole 2–10 mm long.
Inflorescence terminal or axillary, 2–6 cm long, elongating to 4–10 c. during fruit formation; flowers crowded at first, becoming distant.
Drupes sessile.
Distribution and occurrence: chiefly in coastal areas, north from the Illawarra region. Grows in moist situations, usually growing on rocks, sometimes terrestrial.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC
Other Australian states: Qld
Sometimes placed in Peperomiaceae.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
N.S.W. occurrences are: var. floribunda |
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.