Paspalidium grandispiculatum B.K.Simon APNI* Description: Perennials to c. 1.5 m tall with robust thickened rhizomes. Culms robust, glaucous to pruinose, 7–9-noded, branching at some nodes.
Leaves with sheaths smooth, glabrous; ligule a ciliate rim with cilia to c. 1 mm long; blade to c. 8 cm long, scaberulous on nerves.
Inflorescence to c. 16 cm long with secondary racemes to 3 cm long; pedicels to 1 mm long, scabrous-pubescent. Spikelets 3.5–4.5 mm long, each subtended by a scabrous bristle 3–4 mm long, 2-flowered. Lower glume c. 50% spikelet length, obscurely 5-nerved, scaberulous, obtuse; upper glume similar in texture to lower glume, 75% spikelet length, 7–8-nerved, very finely scaberulous, obtuse to acute. Lower lemma male, similar to upper glume, 5-nerved; palea 0.5 mm shorter than lemma. Upper lemma bisexual, slightly shorter than spikelet, acute, very finely rugulose, 5–7-nerved, embracing sides of palea; palea crustaceous, 2-nerved.
Distribution and occurrence: Occurs in NC; Qld. Grows in wet sclerophyll forest.
NSW subdivisions: NC
Other Australian states: Qld
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Vulnerable; Commonwealth EPBC: Vulnerable
Text by S.W.L. Jacobs (2004) Taxon concept: B.K. Simon
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