Monotoca ledifolia A.Cunn. ex DC. APNI*
Description: Compact shrub, usually 30–50 cm high; branchlets glabrous or finely hispid.
Leaves ± erect, narrow-oblong or sometimes narrow-elliptic, 2–10 mm long, 1–2.5 mm wide; margins entire; lamina glabrous, discolorous, upper surface flat to slightly convex, lower surface strongly 3-ribbed; petiole 0.7–1.9 mm long, glabrous, pink to purplish.
Flowers bisexual or female, erect, 1 or 2 together plus rudiment, axillary near end of branches, white; sessile or shortly pedunculate; bracteoles 0.6–0.8 mm long. Sepals 0.9–1.3 mm long. Corolla tube U-shaped, 0.5–0.8 mm long, glabrous; lobes c. 1.2 mm long, glabrous.
Fruit oblong, c. 2.8 mm long, ribbed, glabrous, with persistent style.
Flowering: January
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in exposed sites in dry sclerophyll forest and shrubland on sandstone in the Woronora Plateau and Blue Mtns area.
NSW subdivisions: CC, CT, ST
Text by J. M. Powell, except for groups with contributors listed Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
Life History
Flowers White, May (1 record).
Fruit/seed Fleshy, ribbed fruit (drupe), 2.8 mm long, mature July--November.
Dispersal, establishment and growth Diaspore: fruit.
Habitat Rocky areas, cliff edges, along creeks.
Altitude 0--1000 m
Annual rainfall 900--1400 mm
Typical local abundance Rare--frequent.
Vegetation Scrub or shrubland with mallees e.g. Eucalyptus stricta, E. obtusifolia, Allocasuarina nana, Kunzea capitata; riparian scrub with Tristaniopsis laurina, Hakea salicifolia, woodland.
Substrate Shallow soil on sandstone, very low nutrients, watertable mostly low.
Exposure Exposed sites.
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