Melaleuca interioris Craven & Lepschi APNI* Description: Shrub or tree to 3 m high with papery bark on older stems.
Leaves alternate, terete or compressed-terete, mostly 20–45(-55) mm long, to c. 1 mm wide, apex acute with a fine recurved tip, glabrescent; petiole to 2 mm.
Inflorescences dense, pseudo- pedunculate heads; rachis pubescent. Flowers usually in 3s within each bract, yellowish. Petals ± circular, c. 1 mm long. Stamens 4–9 per bundle; claw to 2 mm long.
Fruits clustered in a ± spherical mass 4–-8 mm wide. Individual capsules narrowing towards the apex and separate at the summit; sepals not persistent.
Flowering: chiefly spring.
Distribution and occurrence: In N.S.W., confined to the Far North Western Plains. Grows on sandy or sandy loam soils.
NSW subdivisions: NFWP
Other Australian states: Qld S.A. W.A. N.T.
Inland species, previously included in M. uncinata.
Text by Peter. G. Wilson Taxon concept: Craven & Lepsch (2004)
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