Common name: Biconvex Paperbark
Melaleuca biconvexa Byrnes APNI*
Description: Shrub or small tree to 10 m high with papery bark.
Leaves opposite to ± opposite, broad- to narrow-ovate, 7–18 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, apex acute, with 3 longitudinal veins, midvein deeply inset above, lamina convex on each side of the midvein, glabrous or occasionally hispid; petiole to 1 mm long.
Inflorescences dense heads or short spikes c. 1 cm long; rachis shortly pubescent. Flowers solitary within each bract, white or pale yellow. Petals broad-ovate to ± circular, 5–6 mm long. Stamens 15–20 per bundle; claw 1–2 mm long.
Fruit urceolate, 3–5 mm diam., orifice 2–3 mm diam.; sepals persistent.
Flowering: summer.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in damp places, often near streams; coastal districts and adjacent tablelands from Jervis Bay north to the Port Macquarie district.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, CT
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Vulnerable; Commonwealth EPBC: Vulnerable
The name M. pauciflora Turcz. was misapplied to this taxon for many years.
Text by Peter. G. Wilson Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 2 (1991)
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