Leionema praetermissum P.R.Alvarez & Duretto APNI* Synonyms: Leionema sp. Colo River (P.H. Weston 2423) APNI* Leionema sp. Hungryway Creek (Lemberg, NSW 69237) APNI* Phebalium sp. A sensu Weston & Porteners (1991) APNI* Leionema sp. APNI*
Description: Shrub to 2 m high; stems glandular-warty, minutely stellate-pubescent.
Leaves linear-oblanceolate, 20–35 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, apex acute to acuminate, glabrous, dull, smooth, midrib prominent below.
Inflorescences terminal, cymose, shorter than or scarcely exceeding the leaves; peduncle and pedicels slender, glandular-warty; pedicels 6–12 mm long, subtended by a reduced leaf or scale leaf. Calyx lobes thin, triangular, apex rigid, glabrous on the outside. Petals spreading, 4–5 mm long, white, pale green outside, glandular. Ovary glabrous.
Cocci glabrous, 3–4 mm long, 2–3 mm wide. Seed ellipsoid, black to dark brown, c. 3 mm long, c.2mm wide, smooth, shiny.
Flowering: April–June.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows along the Colo River; rare. Grows in and near the riparian zone in sand amongst sandstone boulders, in thickets dominated by Tristaniopsis laurina and/or Backhousia myrtifolia and a variety of other species. Can be locally dominant.
NSW subdivisions: CC
Text by M Duretto Taxon concept: Alvarez & Duretto (2019) Telopea 22: 67-73.
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.