Korthalsella emersa Barlow APNI* Description: Plant to 15 cm tall. Stems with many nodes, yellowish green; branching at lower nodes, often with several branches at a node. Basal internode terete; next internode terete at base, flattened at apex; upper internodes flattened, broadly elliptic to elliptic, (5-) 15–25 mm long, (3-) 5–20 mm broad, attenuate at base, contracted at apex, often in same plane as each other; all internodes 3-veined, with central nerve more prominent.
Flange from rudimentary leaves c. 0.5 mm high, not continuous around nodes.
Flowers up to 30 in a cluster, immersed in floral cushion; hairs on cushion black-tipped.
Fruit ellipsoidal, c. 1.5 mm long
Distribution and occurrence: Lord Howe Is. Endemic.
NSW subdivisions: LHI
According to Barlow (Brunonia 6: 46 (1983)) this species is probably related to Korthalsella disticha of Norfolk Is.
Text by B.M. Wiecek Taxon concept: Flora of Australia Volume 49
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