Juncus capitatus Weigel APNI*
Description: Tufted annual. Culms terete to compressed, 1–12 (rarely to 15) cm long, 0.2–0.5 mm diam.
Leaves basal, shorter than culms; blade flat to canaliculate, 0.2–0.5 mm wide; auricles absent; sheath yellowish or reddish.
Inflorescence terminal, head-like to diffuse, 1–2 cm long; flowers clustered, 2–10 per cluster and 1–4 clusters per inflorescence; involucral bracts usually 2, well-developed, 1–4 cm long, longer than inflorescence. Tepals straw-brown to red-brown at least in midrib region or with sides completely hyaline; outer tepals (rarely 2.6-) 4.1–6 mm long, longer than inner tepals, long-mucronate with mucro usually excurved, ± without hyaline margins if tepals coloured; inner tepals with broad hyaline margins if tepals coloured. Stamens 3, shorter than outer tepals; anthers 0.2–0.7 mm long.
Capsule shorter than outer tepals, narrow-ellipsoid to narrow-ovoid, acute to obtuse, apiculate, straw-brown to dark red-brown.
Flowering: spring–summer.
Distribution and occurrence: Naturalized, in open disturbed situations, south from Emmaville, more common on the Tablelands and Western Slopes than the Coast, and only just extending west to the SWP in the Murray R. valley. Native of Eur., Medit. & E Africa.
NSW subdivisions: *CC, *NT, *CT, *ST, *NWS, *CWS, *SWS, *SWP
Other Australian states: *Vic. *Tas. *W.A. *S.A.
Text by K. L. Wilson, L. A. S. Johnson & P. Bankoff (1993); edited KL Wilson (Nov 2022) Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 4 (1993)
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