Hovea acutifolia A.Cunn. ex G.Don APNI*
Description: Slender shrub to c. 4 m high; stems and branches with a dense covering of grey to rusty, curled and crinkled hairs intermixed with longer, straight hairs.
Leaves ± narrow-elliptic, mostly 3–7 cm long, 3–12 mm wide, evenly tapered at apex and base, margins slightly recurved, upper surface glabrous and finely reticulate, lower surface rusty-pubescent.
Flowers 1–4 in clusters on pedicels 2–3 mm long. Calyx c. 4–5 mm long with loosely appressed hairs.
Pod c. 15 mm long, sparsely hairy.
Flowering: spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows on rainforest margins or other damp sheltered sites.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by I.R. Thompson Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 2 (1991)
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