Common name: Narrow Leaf Bladder Ketmia
Hibiscus tridactylites Lindl. APNI* Description: Herb 0.2–0.8(-1.2) m tall. Branchlets with stellate hairs and sparse bristles.
Mid-stem and upper-stem leaves palmately 3 or 5 lobed, lobed to the petiole apex of the petiole (i.e. there is no lamina tissue at the head of the sinus between the lobes), the primary lobes themselves toothed, lobed or pinnatifid; lamina of mid-stem leaves 20–90 mm long, 25–80 mm wide, in overall shape ovate, broadly ovate, or suborbicular, with stellate hairs and fine bristles, margin sparsely serrate, lobe apex rounded, petiole 20–50 mm long with indumentum similar to that of the branchlet; foliar nectary absent. Stipules more or less persistent, 4–6 mm long.
Flowers solitary in axils, pedicels 10–70 mm long; epicalyx 7–14-lobed, 5–11 mm long, sparsely long-hispid; calyx c. 1 cm long at anthesis (enlarging to c. 2 cm in fruit), prominently lined by c. 20 purplish longitudinal nerves, the obtuse to acute lobes united for half to three-quarters their length; petals yellow to white, purplish near base, 15–25 mm long, remaining semi-erect. Style (including style branches) exserted 2–3 mm beyond the apex of the staminal column; style branches 5, 0.7–0.9 mm long.
Capsule 10–15 mm long, enclosed by the bladder-like fruiting calyx; seeds broadly reniform, 2–3 mm long, tuberculate.
Flowering: February–April
Distribution and occurrence: Disturbed areas associated with agricultural activites (such as cotton crops), on roadsides or in wastelands; usually associated with grasses (such as Cynodon dactylon, Rytidosperma spp. and Austrostipa spp.), or in disturbed open woodland.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP, SFWP
Other Australian states: W.A. S.A. Qld Vic.
This somewhat weedy species is now presumed to be native to the northwest slopes region of NSW, however its expanded distribution is probably the result of agricultural practices (e.g. movement of machinery). Until recently, it was thought to be H. trionum var. trionum, which is native to Europe and Central Africa. Within the H. trionum complex Craven et al. (2011) also recognises H. verdcourtii, previously referred to as Hibiscus trionum var. vesicarius. This native species is found widely in inland Australia. The third species, H. richardsonii, is native to coastal NSW and NZ.
Text by Modified from Craven et al. (2011) by S.F. McCune Taxon concept: Craven, L.A. et al. (2011) New Zealand Journal of Botany 49(1): 27-40.
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