Common name: Swamp Hibiscus
Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq. APNI*
Description: Shrub 1–2 m high, stems pubescent and prickly.
Lower leaves ovate to cordate or 3–5-lobed, lamina 3–8 cm long; upper leaves on flowering branches greatly reduced.
Flowers ± sessile, solitary or forming a terminal raceme; peduncle < 5 mm long. Epicalyx segments 8–10, linear, 10–12 mm long. Calyx lobes subulate, 12–20 mm long, a gland on each midrib. Corolla 3–5 cm long, yellow with a red basal spot.
Capsule 20 mm long, with dense appressed pubescence.
Distribution and occurrence: in low swampy coastal areas, sometimes appearing semi-aquatic.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, LHI
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by A. S. Mitchell & E. H. Norris Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 1 (1990)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.