Hibbertia puberula Toelken APNI* Description: Shrublets with few wiry branches to 30 cm long, pubescent, often glabrescent, with simple long and short hairs (hairs often curved or hooked).
Leaves with petiole 0.2–0.5 mm long; lamina narrowly ovate to almost linear, (1.2-)3 -5.5(-8) mm long, (0.6-)0.8–1.4(-1.8) mm wide; base appearing abruptly constricted because margin strongly revolute (under surface not visible); apex more or less obtuse.
Flowers single or rarely up to 3-flowered; pedicels short; bracts more or less elliptic, mostly 3–3.5(-4) mm long, leaf-like. Calyx with outer lobes ovate, more or less beaked with margin recurved distally, mostly 6–10 mm long, outer surface hispid, inner surface pubescent to silky hairy; inner calyx lobes oblong-elliptic to oblong-ovate, mostly 5–7 mm long, hispid with spreading bristles mainly along central ridge. Petals obovate, 6–8 mm long, broadly bilobed. Stamens (9-)10–14, inserted on one side of ovary, subequal; filaments fused on lower one-third. Carpels 2, slightly hairy, sometimes almost villous; style 2
Fruit puberulous with simple hairs.
Flowering: October – November
Distribution and occurrence: Restricted to the greater Sydney region. Recorded from sandy soils, often associated with sandstone mainly from coastal areas.
NSW subdivisions: CC, SC, ST
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Endangered
Text by B.J. Conn (2004) Taxon concept: H.R. Toelken (2000)
| Key to the subspecies | |
1 | Stamens (4–) 6 or 7; lateral branches usually spreading up to about right angles to the main axis | subsp. extensa |
| Stamens (9) 10–14 (–18); irregularly and commonly untidily branched | 2 |
2 | Anthers 1.3–2.1 mm long; outer calyx lobes distinctly ridged toward the apex, strigose to hirsute or if pubescent to glabrescent then 2.5–3.8 mm broad when flowering | subsp. puberula |
| Anthers 0.9–1.3 mm long; outer calyx lobes 1.6–2.1 mm broad when flowering, scarcely ridged towards the apex, puberulous to glabrescent Back to 1 | subsp. glabrescens |
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.