Common name: Bundanoon Guinea Flower
Hibbertia praemorsa Toelken APNI* Description: Shrub up to 1.3 m high, more or less branched, villous; hairs a mixture of long and short spreading simple hairs, both more or less tubercle-based.
Leaves with axillary tuft of hairs scarcely elongating; petiole 0.2–0.4(-0.6) mm long; lamina oblong-elliptic, (5.1-)6.5–9.5(-13.2) mm long, (2.4-)3–4.5(7.6) mm wide; base usually abruptly constricted into petiole; apex obtuse to rounded or slightly emarginate because recurved; surface villous to sericeous.
Flowers single, terminal, commonly on main branches; bract similar to cauline leaves. Calyx scarcely accresent, green; inner surface pubescent to puberulous, rarely with appressed silky hairs. Corolla with petals broadly obovate, 5.1–8.8 mm long, slightly emarginate, yellow with reddish main vein. Stamens 7–9, on one side of ovary; filaments more or less connate basally. Pistils 2, ovoid with 4 ovules; style arising from distal outer surface.
Fruits villous with simple hairs. Seeds broadly obovoid, laterally compressed.
Flowering: Flowers Oct– Feb
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to South Coast, N.S.W., known from Morton National Park, Budawang Ranges and Bundanoon. Grows on steep rocky sandstone slopes with Eucalyptus sieberi, Allocasuarina littoralis and Hakea salicifolia in Morton National Park, and with Eucalyptus multicaulis, Hakea dactyloides and Banksia spinulosa in more southern localities.
NSW subdivisions: ST, CT
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Endangered
Text by B.J. Conn (2010) Taxon concept: Toelken (2000)
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