Haloragodendron lucasii (Maiden & Betche) Orchard APNI* Synonyms: Haloragis lucasii Maiden & Betche APNI*
Description: Straggling, clonal shrub mostly 1–1.5 m high; stems 4-angled, narrowly winged.
Leaves subsessile, lanceolate, mostly 25–30 mm long, 4–6 mm wide, toothed.
Inflorescences of c. 8 simple dichasia. Flowers ± sessile. Petals usually 9.5–12 mm long, creamy white, shallowly boat-shaped, strongly twisted in bud. Anthers 4–7 mm long. Ovary with wings 0.5 mm wide.
Fruit ± obpyramidal, c. 5 mm long and 4 mm diam. with 4 well-developed wings. Seed apparently not setting.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows indry sclerophyll open forest on sheltered slopes near creeks on sandstone; confined to Sydney area, rare.
NSW subdivisions: CC
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Endangered; Commonwealth EPBC: Endangered
Specimens from near Mt Wilson (CT) that were formerly thought to represent a subspecies of this taxon are now considered a distinct species, Haloragodendron gibsonii.
Text by Peter G. Wilson; updated November 2016. Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 2 (1991)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.