Genoplesium carectum (D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel.) J.M.H.Shaw APNI* Synonyms: Corunastylis carecta D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. APNI*
Description: Tuberous terrestrial herb.
Leaf terete, 10–18 cm long by c. 1 mm diameter; free lamina 10–30 mm long by c. 2 mm wide, ending below the first flower.
Inflorescence 12–23 cm long, bearing 3–13 closely spaced flowers in a spike 20–35 mm long. Flowers porrect, c. 6 mm wide and 7–8 mm long, brown-green with purple stripes and margins, with purple-red labellum. Dorsal sepal ovate from a truncate base, with a short acuminate apex, 4.0–4.5 mm long by 2.2 mm wide, with red margins and three medial red stripes, margins entire. Lateral sepals 5.0–5.5 mm long, falcate, erect-spreading, margins entire, in basal half parallel except for dilated base on one side, in upper half curved and tapering to an acute, slightly cucullate, apex. Petals narrowly and asymmetrically ovate from a truncate base, tapering to a long acuminate upper half and apex, 3.8–4.2 mm long by c. 1 broad at widest, with red margins and one continuous medial stripe, with accessory and discontinuous stripes either side or not; margins entire. Labellum hinged by a short claw, immobile, elliptic to slightly obovate, c. 4 mm long by 1.5 mm wide, purple-red with darker margins, margins with numerous short to long, purple, spreading, multicellular ciliate trichomes 0.3–0.9 mm long; labellum apex acute, deflexed; callus broadly ridged on either side of a medial furrow at the base, tapering slightly then broadening again at the middle before tapering to an indistinct point close to the lobule apex. Column c. 2.4 mm long by 1.2. mm wide, white with parts having a red wash; column foot ligulate, curved, 0.5 mm long; column wings divided into two rather different lobes, the lower narrow triangular, with an attenuate and nearly filiform distal portion with a sharply acute apex and whose lower margin is ciliolate and has a red wash; the upper lobe is ligulate, with a rounded apex, entire margins and is unpigmented; the sinus separating the two lobes is narrow, slit-like, and has an obtuse vertex. Anther c. 1 mm long with a filiform rostrum c. 0.4 mm long.
Flowering: Recorded flowering from November to February.
Distribution and occurrence: In swampy habitats with shrubs and sedges including Banksia marginata, Melaleuca thymifolia, Leptoceras tenax, Schoenus spp, Lepyrodia spp. and grasses including Aristida, on moist peaty loams over sandstone. Currently known at sites between 300 and 350 masl.
NSW subdivisions: CC
Text by Jones and Copeland (2013) with modification by Matt A.M. Renner (18 June 2020). Taxon concept: D.L. Jones and L.M. Copeland (2013) Corunastylis carecta (Orchidaceae: Diuridae), a new species from central-eastern New South Wales. The Orchadian 17(8): 371-374.
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.