Galium curvihirtum Ehrend. & McGill. APNI* Description: Prostrate to straggling biennial or perennial; stems mostly to c. 40 cm long, with stiff hairs or glabrous.
Leaves and stipules in whorls of 4, elliptic to narrow-ovate, mostly 4–12 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, apex narrowly acute to acuminate, upper surface ± hairy, lower surface usually glabrous or hairy along margins and mid vein.
Flowers in mostly axillary, (1-) 2–3 (-5)-flowered cymes; peduncles up to c. 6 mm long; pedicels 0.5–1.5 mm long, sometimes slightly curved. Flowers c. 2 mm diameter, white to cream.
Fruit c. 1.5 mm long, densely covered with numerous curled whitish hairs.
Flowering: Fruits have been recorded in March.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in moist shaded sites in open sclerophyll forest on granite.
NSW subdivisions: ?NT
Other Australian states: Vic. S.A.
I had a good look at that specimen (S. Griffith 6061.3) together with material of G. curvihirtum a few weeks ago as it is a new record for NSW and needed to be written up for Flora Online. I came to the conclusion that morphologically it fits within the range of variation shown by G. curvihirtum specimens at NSW. I realise it is a long way out of the known range of G. curvihirtum, which raises questions as to how it got there/persisted there. I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have been transported, possibly in wheel arch mud, given the occurrence beside a road in a State Forest. Galium species are quite good travellers e.g. on migrating waterbirds and the fruits of G. curvihirtum with their stiff hooked hairs are certainly good candidates for animal/vehicle dispersal. The original identification of S. Griffith 6061.3 as “possibly” G. curvihirtum was indeed made here at NSW, and I would confirm that ID. Of course it is possible that further material may turn up that contradicts this ID, but on the basis of the available material I am confident it is G. curvihirtum. Dr Darren M Crayn. The specimen discussed above is cited, and thought to be introduced to NSW, in Thompson, I.R. (2009) A revision of Asperula and Galium (Rubieae: Rubiaceae) in Australia. Muelleria 27(1): 36–112. Added K.L. Gibbons, July 2019.
Text by D.M. Crayn Taxon concept: McGillivray, D.J. (1983). A revision of Galium (Rubiaceae) in Australia and New Zealand. Telopea 2(4): 355-377.
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