Common name: Yellow Twin-stem, Speedy Weed
Flaveria australasica Hook. APNI*
Description: Annual herb 5–50 cm high; stems erect and dichotomously branched above, smooth, glabrous.
Leaves lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, 1–5 cm long, 4–10 mm wide, apex acute, margins entire or shallowly toothed; lower leaves sometimes shortly petiolate.
Compound heads terminal or axillary with 4–6 leaf-like general involucral bracts longer than the head clusters; partial heads 10–25; involucral bracts of partial heads 3–4 mm long, bracts 2 or 3, elliptic, obtuse, inrolled. Ray florets solitary or absent, with a ligule c. 1 mm long, yellow. Disc florets tubular, 1–5, rarely absent from outermost heads, yellow.
Achenes 3–4 mm long, linear, compressed with 3 ribs on each face, black.
Flowering: most of year.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in disturbed sites; widespread in inland districts, north from Yanco area.
NSW subdivisions: NWS, CWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP
Other Australian states: Qld W.A. S.A. N.T.
Text by L. Murray Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
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