Common name: Whip Vine, Bush Cane, Supplejack
Flagellaria indica L. APNI*
Description: Robust perennial climber with stems usually to c. 15 m high and 10 mm diam., sparingly branched Leaves with lamina mostly 10–40 cm long and 5–20 mm wide, glabrous, apex tapering into a coiled tendril, base constricted and auriculate before encircling the stem; sheath 1–7 cm long.
Panicles erect, much-branched, 10–25 cm long.
Flowers numerous, fragrant, each in the axil of a small bract. Tepals ovate, c. 2 mm long, membranous, white. Stamens and stigmas finally exserted.
Drupe ± globose, c. 5 mm diam., greenish red; usually 1-seeded.
Flowering: spring–autumn.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in or near warmer coastal rainforest, frequently along streams or in gullies and often forming dense thickets; north from Royal N.P.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, LHI
Other Australian states: Qld W.A. N.T.
Text by G. J. Harden Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 4 (1993)
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