Common name: Striate Spike-sedge
Eleocharis obicis L.A.S.Johnson & O.D.Evans APNI*
Description: Tufted perennial with very short rhizome.
Culms terete, longitudinally and transversely septate (but not obvious externally), c. 30 cm high, c. 1 mm diam.
Spikelets linear-cylindrical, 2–3 cm long, c. 2.5 mm diam. Glumes obtuse, striate, with a fairly distinct midrib, margins broadly hyaline, 4–5 mm long, c. 2 mm wide, straw-coloured tinged dark red-brown. Bristles 2–7, reduced or to half as long as nut. Stamens 3; anthers 1.5–3.8 mm long. Style 3-fid.
Nut unequally trigonous, with angles acute, obovoid, narrowed to a distinct neck, c. 1.5 mm long, c. 1.2 mm diam., pale yellow to dark brown; surface shallowly pitted, external cells isodiametric, occasionally slightly elongated horizontally, in 12–20 vertical rows on each face; style base c. 0.5 mm long, about a third as broad as nut.
Flowering: spring–summer.
Distribution and occurrence: Near Condobolin and Hay, also an old collection said to be from Barrier Range. Also Victoria. Grows in ephemerally wet situations such as roadside mitre drains.
NSW subdivisions: SWP, NFWP
Other Australian states: Vic.
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Vulnerable; Commonwealth EPBC: Vulnerable
This species is considered data-deficient by Saving our Species (SoS, DPIE) which means a conservation project cannot be developed for it. Visit their website and contact SoS if you have additional information.
Text by K. L. Wilson (1993; edited Sept 2006; Aug 2012; Oct 2021) Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 4 (1993)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.