Common name: Sticky Hop-bush
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. APNI* Description: Spreading or erect shrub or tree to 8 m high.
Leaves simple, linear to obovate, 1–15 cm long, 1–40 mm wide, apex obtuse to acuminate, base attenuate to cuneate, margins entire to irregularly sinuate or toothed, glabrous; sessile or petiolate.
Flowers in terminal panicles; pedicels 3–9 mm long. Sepals 3 or 4, lanceolate to ovate, not persistent. Ovary pubescent or glabrous.
Capsule (for all taxa except for subsp. viscosa) 3- or 4-winged, 8.5–28 mm long, 11–28 mm wide, glabrous; wings 3–10 mm wide.
Distribution and occurrence:
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP, LHI
Other Australian states: Qld Vic. Tas. N.T. S.A. W.A.
Text by P. G. Wilson & J. A. Scott Taxon concept:
| Key to the subspecies | |
1 | Leaves elliptic, rarely ± obovate, 20–40 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of 3–4:1; capsule 2- or rarely 3-winged, ± circular in lateral view; body of carpel (excluding wing) >7 mm wide. Dense spreading shrub to 2 m high. Leaves 7–13 cm long, apex broad-acute or obtuse, margins irregularly sinuate; petiole 2.5–6 mm long. Capsule 15–23 mm long, 20–25 mm wide; wings 4–4.5 mm wide. Coastal situations on sand, north from Port Macquarie district NC; Qld, trop. | subsp. viscosa |
| Leaves variable, rarely elliptic, 1–25 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of usually >4:1; capsule 3- or 4-winged, broad-elliptic to transverse-elliptic in lateral view; body of carpel (excluding wings) <6 mm wide. | 2 |
2 | Leaves linear, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic or rarely oblanceolate, with length:breadth ratio of 5–15:1, rarely to 30:1. | 3 |
| Leaves obovate to spathulate or cuneate to angular-obovate, with length:breadth ratio of usually <6:1. Back to 1 | 6 |
3 | Leaves lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, >10 mm wide. Large shrub or small tree to 6 m high. Leaves mostly 7–12 cm long and 14–23 mm wide, apex acute; petiole 6–18 mm long. Capsule 3- or 4-winged, 8.5–20 mm long, rarely to 28 mm, 11–22 mm wide, rarely to 28 mm; wings 3–6 mm wide, rarely to 10 mm. Grows in wet sclerophyll forest, often on rocky slopes, chiefly in coastal sites north from Wooli (Grafton district), also recorded near Tenterfield. NC NT; LHI, Qld, trops. | subsp. burmanniana |
| Leaves linear-lanceolate, linear to narrow-oblong or rarely oblanceolate, <10 mm wide. Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Leaves linear-lanceolate, narrowly tapered at apex and base; petiole 6.5–18 mm long. Compact shrub to 5 m high. Leaves mostly 6–13 cm long, 5–10 mm wide, apex acute to acuminate, base narrow-attenuate; petiole 6.5–18 mm long. Grows in dry sclerophyll forest or woodland, often in rocky areas; chiefly on the Slopes and Tablelands. NC CC SC NT CT ST NWS CWS NWP; Qld, Vic., Amer., Afr., Asia, Pac. [D. viscosa var. angustifolia] | subsp. angustifolia |
| Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, rarely oblanceolate, not narrowly tapered at apex, sessile or petiole 1–10 mm long. Back to 3 | 5 |
5 | Leaves 1–6 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of >7.5:1, linear to narrow-oblong, rarely oblanceolate, sessile. Erect shrub to 4 m high. Leaves 3–9.5 cm long, 1–6 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, margins irregularly sinuate or toothed. Grows in woodland, chiefly in arid and semi-arid areas; west from Armidale, Bowral and Cooma districts. NT CT ST NWS CWS SWS NWP SWP NFWP SFWP; Qld, Vic., N.T., S.A., W.A. [D. angustissima DC., D. attenuata A. Cunn.] | subsp. angustissima |
| Leaves 6–16 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of <7.5:1, usually obovate to spathulate or sometimes oblanceolate, sessile or tapering to petiole 1–10 mm long. Back to 4 | subsp. spatulata |
6 | Leaves cuneate to angular-obovate or narrow-obovate; lamina 1.2–3 cm long, usually with length:breadth ratio of <3.5:1, apex truncate or obtuse, shortly apiculate or sometimes irregularly 2- or 3-toothed, rarely emarginate. Compact spreading shrub to 3 m high. Leaves 1.2–3 cm long, 4–9 mm wide, rarely to 12 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly sinuate; sessile or shortly petiolate. Grows in mallee scrub in semi-arid areas, and open forest, mostly on sandy loams; widespread in inland districts. NC CC CT CWS SWS NWP SWP NFWP; Qld, Vic., S.A. [D. cuneata Sm.] | subsp. cuneata |
| Leaves obovate to spathulate; lamina 2.3–7.5 cm long, usually with length:breadth ratio of >3.5:1, apex mucronate or broad-acute to obtuse or sometimes shortly apiculate. Back to 2 | 7 |
7 | Leaves 10–25 mm wide, apex mucronate; petiole 3.5–20 mm long. Erect to spreading shrub to 4 m high. Leaves 2.5–6 cm long, 10–25 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly sinuate, base broad-attenuate. Grows on rocky hills and ranges and in associated creeks in arid areas; west from Mudgee district. NWS CWS NWP SWP NFWP; Qld, N.T., S.A., W.A. | subsp. mucronata |
| Leaves 6–16 mm wide, apex broad-acute to obtuse, sometimes shortly apiculate; petiole 0–10 mm long. Erect to spreading shrub 1.5–4 m high. Leaves 2.3–7.5 cm long, 6–16 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly sinuate or toothed. Grows in high-rainfall areas in open forest and mallee shrubland. Leaf morphology is extremely variable, with leaf characters intergrading with those of subsp. angustissima, subsp. cuneata and subsp. mucronata. All divisions except SC and SFWP; Qld, Vic., Tas., S.A., W.A. [D. viscosa var. arborescens (Hook.f.) Sherff] Back to 6 | subsp. spatulata |
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