Diuris secundiflora Fitzg. APNI* Description: Terrestrial herb.
Leaf solitary, linear, c. 9 cm long, c. 3 mm wide, conduplicate.
Raceme to 48 cm high, 2–8-flowered, arranged on 1 side of the raceme. Flowers yellow to golden with dark petal claws, c. 1.5 c. across. Dorsal sepal obovate to spathulate, 8–10 mm long, c. 6 mm wide. Lateral sepals linear, 30–40 mm long, c. 1.5 mm wide, deflexed, parallel or crossed. Petals recurved; lamina ovate, 6–7 mm long, c. 5 mm wide; claw 8–9 mm long. Labellum c. 6 mm long; lateral lobes linear, c. 2 mm long, 0.6 mm wide; midlobe flabellate, c. 6 mm wide, ridged along midline; callus of 2 thick divergent ridges c. 3 mm long.
Flowering: recorded October
Distribution and occurrence: Known only from the original collection on the Macleay R, before 1878.
NSW subdivisions: NC
Text by D. L. Jones Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 4 (1993)
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