Denhamia bilocularis (F.Muell.) M.P.Simmons APNI* Synonyms: Maytenus bilocularis (F.Muell.) Loes. APNI* Maytenus sp. Windsor Tableland (B.Hyland 3416RFK) APNI*
Description: Tree to 10 m high.
Leaves elliptic, ovate, oblong-ovate or obovate, 3–10 cm long, 15–35 mm wide, apex obtuse to ± acuminate, base ± cuneate, margins mostly toothed with stiff ± spinose teeth, surfaces glabrous and slightly glossy; petiole 2–5 mm long.
Flowers clustered or in short racemes; pedicels 2–2.5 mm long. Sepals 4 or 5. Petals 4 or 5, 1.6–2 mm long.
Capsule globose or obovoid, 5–8 mm long, yellow-orange, 2-valved; seeds 1 or 2, surrounded by an orange aril.
Flowering: September–December
Distribution and occurrence: north from Macleay R. and west to Yallaroi. Grows in dry rainforest and eucalypt forest
NSW subdivisions: NC, NT, NWS, NWP
Other Australian states: Qld
Previously included in the genus Maytenus (refer McKenna et al. 2011. Delimitation of the segregate genera of Maytenus s. l. (Celastraceae) based on morphological and molecular characters. Systematic Botany 36(4): 922-932)
Text by T. A. James (edited B.J. Conn June 2014) Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.