Cycnogeton microtuberosum (Aston) Mering & Kadereit APNI* Synonyms: Triglochin microtuberosa Aston APNI* Triglochin microtuberosum Aston orth. var. APNI*
Description: Robust, rhizomatous, emergent perennial aquatic herb; tubers plump, globular-obloid, 4–13(-17) mm long, 3–6 mm diam., numerous, terminating very short roots 1–7(-14) mm long and hence clustered closely against rhizome.
Leaves usually erect, more thickly spongy basally, ± semicylindric in cross-section c. 3 cm below sheath summit with width of spongy portion only 1.6–2.4 times its thickness, sheaths gently incurved, usually touching to overlapping.
Scape at fruiting c. 47–103 cm long, 2.5–12.6 mm diam.; infructescence 7–21 cm long, 15–24 mm diam.; fruits touching, c. 44–137 per infructescence, very distinctive, very broadly obovoid, with base contracted and stalk-like, with apex squat-like, 7–9.6 mm long, 5.5–8.2 mm wide; carpels (5 or) 6, normally all maturing; mature carpels ventrally attached along 58–70% of carpel length, never twisted, each ± triangular in cross-section with dorsal surface flat or shallowly indented, rarely shallowly convex, ridges absent.
Flowering: Fruits (August) November–April (-May).
Distribution and occurrence: Occurs in lowlandl areas of N.S.W. (NC, CC, SC); also Qld and Vic. Grows in still or slow-flowing freah water to 50(-120) cm deep, in small creeks, swamps and farm dams.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC
Other Australian states: Qld Vic.
Text by B.J. Conn (2004), as Triglochin microtuberosa Aston Taxon concept: S. von Mering & J.W. Kadereit in O. Seberg et al. (eds), Diversity, Phylogeny, and Evolution in the Monocotyledons: 73 (2010); following Australian Plant Census (CHAH 2014)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.