Convolvulus angustissimus R.Br. APNI* Synonyms: Convolvulus angustissimus R.Br. subsp. fililobus (Wawra) R.W.Johnson APNI* Convolvulus angustissimus R.Br. subsp. angustissimus APNI*
Description: Perennial with trailing and twining branches; stems terete, moderately to densely hairy in younger parts, becoming sparser with age.
Leaves variable in shape from base to tip of stem; basal leaves with lamina oblong to ovate, margins crenate to shallowly lobed and base truncate to cordate; upper leaves ovate to triangular-ovate in outline, 1–6.5 cm long, 2–4 cm wide, apex acute (rarely obtuse to rounded), margins 3–5-lobed with narrow basal lobes that are entire or bifid, ascending lobes to 30 m long, moderately hairy to subglabrous; petiole 2–20 mm long.
Inflorescence 1-flowered (rarely 2), usually solitary in the leaf axils; peduncle terete, 4–50 mm long, moderately to sparsely hairy with appressed hairs. Sepals to 6.5 mm long, moderately hairy to subglabrous, sometimes ciliate at the apex. Corolla funnel-shaped, 7–20 mm long, 7–20 mm diam., pink with a paler throat, rarely white.
Capsule globose, 4–8 mm long, 4–7 mm diam., glabrous; fruiting pedicels strongly recurved. Seeds 2.9–4 mm long, with low, reticulate ridges but no definite wing-like structure at the margins.
Flowering: Early Spring till mid Autumn.
Distribution and occurrence: All states except the NT. Found mainly on loamy or clay soils in grassy eucalypt woodlands or forests.
NSW subdivisions: CC, NT, CT, ST, NWP, CWS, SWS, SWP, SC
Other Australian states: Qld Vic. Tas. S.A. W.A.
In a recent review of the genus (Wood et al. 2015) C. angustissimus is treated as a single variable species without recognised subspecies.
Text by R. W. Johnson (2001); Peter Wilson (Oct 2015) Taxon concept: R. W. Johnson (2001); Wood et al. (2015)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.