Conospermum burgessiorum L.A.S.Johnson & McGill. APNI*
Description: Shrub with several to many spreading branches, 1–3 m high, new growth finely hairy.
Leaves commonly slightly curved, linear to narrow-oblong, usually 12–20 cm long, 4–10 mm wide, flat, sparsely hairy to glabrous, secondary and intramarginal veins visible on both surfaces.
Inflorescences paniculate, in the upper leaf axils, equal to or shorter than the leaves; peduncles to 10 cm long; floral bracts blue. Perianth 6–10 mm long, ± pubescent, cream to white; limb and perianth tube almost equal in length.
Nut 2–3 mm long, hairy.
Flowering: spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Usually grows in dry sclerophyll forest and woodland on soils derived from granites; Gibraltar Ra. and the Stanthorpe district.
NSW subdivisions: NT
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by D. Mackay Taxon concept: E.M. Bennett (1995)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.