Carex divisa Huds. APNI* Description: Rhizomatous perennial, with culms spread out along relatively stout, long rhizome. Culms 15–80 cm tall, slender, trigonous, scabrous near apex.
Leaves shorter than culms, blades 1.5–3 mm wide, mid-green to greyish green; ligule obvious, broad-acute, 2–3 mm long; sheaths brown, becoming fibrous with age.
Inflorescence dense, 1–3 cm long, shortly oblong in outline, with short lateral branches more or less upright and appressed to main axis; involucral bracts glume-like except for lowest, which is leaf-like and longer than the inflorescence; spikes 3–8, short, mostly closely clustered, more or less sessile; terminal spike male at apex and female below, other spikes female; male glumes 3.5–4.5 mm long, acute, pale red-brown; female glumes 3.5–5 mm long, acute, mucronate, darkish red-brown with paler midrib and obvious hyaline margins.
Perigynia (utricles) ovate to elliptic in outline, red-brown at maturity, with several more or less prominent nerves on both faces, 3.5–4 mm long; beak 0.5–0.7 mm long, only slightly split. Style 2-fid. Nutlet obovate in outline, lenticular in cross-section, very shortly stalked, mid-brown.
Distribution and occurrence: Native to Europe. Not recorded as naturalized in NSW but naturalized in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia, so should be watched for in cooler regions of NSW. Usually in damp habitats (including brackish). In its native range (Western Europe), this species is most common in brackish coastal situations. In southern Australia it is in wet situations but not necessarily brackish.
NSW subdivisions:
Other Australian states: *Vic. *Tas. *S.A. *W.A.
Text by Karen Wilson (Sept 2021); edited KL Wilson (November 2023) Taxon concept: C. Jermy et al. (2007) Sedges of the British Isles edn 3
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.