Common name: Steelhead
Callitris monticola J.Garden APNI*
Description: Erect glaucous bushy shrub to 2.5 m high.
Leaves glaucous, 2–4 mm long.
Female cones solitary or several together, widely ovoid to depressed-globose, 15–25 mm diam., glaucous when young, often with greyish markings around edge of scales at maturity; cone scales thick, each with a dorsal protuberance close to the apex, the alternate scales reduced in size; columella large and widely 3-lobed, often to 5 mm long. Mostly found in granite areas, sometimes on sandstone; rare in N.S.W., from the Gibraltar Range N.P. to the Tenterfield district.
Distribution and occurrence:
NSW subdivisions: NC, NT
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by G. J. Harden & J. Thompson Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 1 (1990)
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