Brachyscome dalbyensis P.S.Short APNI* Description: Perennial sub-shrub reshooting form a thickened taproot, c. 15–30 cm tall, branches erect and stiff, smooth or ribbed, glabrous or with stalked glandular hairs. Peduncles frequently exceeding the uppermost leaves.
Leaves linear and linear-oblanceolate, entire, 5–20 mm long, 0.2–0.8 mm wide, and pinnatilobed and pinnatisect and to 35 mm long, the frequency of entire and divided leaves is variable within a specimen; all leaves green with sparse to dense shortly stalked glandular hairs.
Flowerheads conical; involucre 3–4 mm diam.; involucral bracts 8–13 in c. 1 row of similar or slightly variable length, obovate, 1.8–3.1 mm long, mainly herbaceous but with hyaline margins, with sparse to dense shortly stalked glandular hairs on surface and margins.
Achenes flattened, obovate, 1.15–1.3 mm long, no wings or ridges or tubercles, pale or yellowish brown with prominent margins with spherical glandular hairs; carpopodium often slightly paler; pappus a mostly barely developed jagged whitish crown.
Distribution and occurrence: Northern NSW and Queensland (Darling Downs, Leichhardt, Maranoa and Warrego). A species commonly recorded from open grassland, herbfield and Brigalow country and mostly associated with clay or clay-loam soils.
NSW subdivisions: NWP, NWS
Named after the town of Dalby in Queensland.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: P.S. Short (2014) A taxonomic review of Brachyscome Cass. (Asteraceae: Asterae), including descriptions of a new genus, Roebuckia, new species and infraspecific taxa. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 28: 1-219
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