Billardiera macrantha Hook.f. APNI* Synonyms: Billardiera longiflora sensu R.O.Makinson non Labill. APNI*
Description: Slender twiner.
Juvenile leaves trilobed, 10–20 mm long; petiole 10–12 mm long with lamina extending to base. Adult leaves alternate, narrowly elliptic, 24–53 mm long, 4–8 mm wide, discolorous, abaxial surface pale green, adaxail surface glossy green; margin slightly down-turned; petiole 2–5 mm long.
Inflorescences with solitary flowers; peduncles 17–33 mm long, very slender, nodding. Sepals very variable, ovate to acicular, 3–6 mm long; margin incurved and ciliate; inner surface villous. Petals slightly spathulate, 26–38 mm long, green-yellow, becoming darker yellow with age; apex tinged or spotted dark blue at margin, slightly acute, mucronate, not recurved. Stamens with filaments much longer than anther; anther rectangular. Ovary not stipitate; style up to 20 mm long; stigma slightly capitate.
Fruits unilocular, berry-like, ovoid, 18–20 mm long, usually deep purple; seeds very numerous, discoidal.
Flowering: Flowers Oct–January
Distribution and occurrence: Northern and Southern Tablelands (NSW); Vic. & Tas. Grows in moist sites, especially creeks and gullies, at higher altitude Nothofagus and Eucalyptus forests.
NSW subdivisions: ST, NT
Other Australian states: Vic. Tas.
Text by B.J. Conn Taxon concept: L.W. Cayzer, M.D. Crisp & I.R.N. Telford (2004)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.