Asterolasia exasperata P.R.Alvarez & Duretto APNI* Description: Erect shrub to 3 m tall. Stems with a dense indumentum of rusty to orange-brown stellate hairs; stellate hairs not or obscurely stalked, rays to 0.25 mm long.
Leaves: petiole 3−9 mm long; lamina elliptic to oblanceolate to obovate, (12−)22−30(−62) mm long, (10−)12−16 mm wide, apex obtuse or rounded, base cuneate, margins entire; abaxial surface with a dense layer of white stellate hairs with rays 0.1−0.2 mm long, and scattered slightly larger red-brown stellate hairs, epidermis obscured; adaxial surface sparsely stellate hairy, glabrescent, becoming smooth.
Inflorescence an axillary umbel of up to 3 flowers; peduncle absent; pedicels (2−)3−7(−9) mm long. Petals (2−)3−4.5 mm long, cream to pale yellow; lower surface with hyaline stellate hairs; upper surface glabrous. Ovary generally densely hairy with coarse stellate hairs interspersed by glabrous areas; style glabrous.
Cocci 2.5−3.0 mm long, 2.1−2.5 mm wide, glabrous or with scattered stellate hairs; beak glabrous.
Flowering: spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Found in Bald Rock National Park, the Washpool and Gibraltar Range areas, and disjunctly in the Gloucester area to the south. found in gravelly or sandy soil in shrublands, woodland (Callitris–Banksia as well as Eucalyptus), dry and wet sclerophyll forest, usually on granite derived soils and often in riparian environments.
NSW subdivisions: NT, NC
Text by M Duretto Taxon concept: Alvarez & Duretto (2019) Telopea 21: 381-389.
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.