Common name: Common Woodruff
Asperula conferta Hook.f. APNI*
Description: Erect to decumbent perennial herb ± woody at base; stems mostly to 20 cm long, usually much-branched, with sparse, short, recurved hairs, internodes to 4 cm long.
Leaves and stipules in whorls of 5 or 6, linear, 2–8 mm long, apex acute to shortly acuminate usually with a short point, margins and midrib ± scabrous.
Inflorescence terminal or in uppermost axils, 1–3-flowered. Corolla white; male flowers 2–3 mm long; female flowers c. 3 mm long.
Fruit 3–4 mm long, deeply lobed, black-brown.
Flowering: spring–summer.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in woodland, forest and grassland, common and widespread.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP
Other Australian states: Qld Vic. S.A. N.T.
Text by T. A. James & W. K. Allen Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
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