Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. APNI* Synonyms: Amyema bifurcatum (Benth.) Tiegh. APNI* Amyema bifurcatum var. bifurcatum APNI* Loranthus ferruginiflorus var. linearifolius Blakely APNI* Amyema ferruginiflora (W.Fitzg.) Danser APNI*
Description: Plant pendent; young shoots, flowers and sometimes axes of inflorescence rusty tomentose or with scattered hairs, otherwise glabrous; external runners absent.
Leaves linear to lanceolate, 6–40 cm long, 4–25 mm wide, often falcate, apex acute to rounded, base attenuate; petiole 10–40 mm long.
Inflorescence a pedunculate umbel of dyads; flowers pedicellate; peduncle 15–40 mm long; rays of umbel mostly 2, 6–20 mm long; pedicels 3–7 mm long; central bract at apex of each ray 1 mm long; lateral bracts c. 3 mm long, enlarging in fruit. Corolla 22–30 mm long, 5- or 6-merous, clavate, rusty- or white-tomentose.
Fruit globose, c. 10 mm diam., dull red with a prominent nipple formed by base of style.
Flowering: mainly winter.
Distribution and occurrence: Occurs in sclerophyll forest on species of Eucalyptus; coastal districts north from Grafton area and inland north from the Warrumbungle Mtns.
NSW subdivisions: NC, NWS, CWS, NWP
Other Australian states: Qld N.T. W.A.
Text by A. L. Quirico: updated Louisa Murray Nov 2013 Taxon concept:
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.