Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. Long leaflets (P.G.Neish 208) Vic. Herbarium APNI* Synonyms: Polyscias sambucifolia (Sieber ex DC.) Harms subsp. A APNI* Polyscias sambucifolia (Sieber & DC.) Harms subsp. sambucifolia APNI*
Description: Small tree or shrub to 5 m high; glabrescent.
Leaves 1-pinnate, 5–40 cm long, usually with 5–11 leaflets; leaflets usually 4–9 cm long and 20–60 mm wide, with basal pair of leaflets smaller (terminal leaflets to 20 cm long and nearly as broad on plants in sheletered sites near Sassafras (NSW) and in Vic.), leaflets commonly petiolulate, occasionally subtended by a stipel, ovate or elliptic to broad elliptic, margins ± toothed.
Inflorescences terminal, compound, commonly branched to third order. Flowers aggregated into umbels or solitary; pedicellate [or sessile]; pedicels usually articulated with the ovary base, bisexual or unisexual. Calyx minutely toothed or with an undulate rim. Petals and stamens 4 or 5 [to 8 or more]. Ovary usually 2–5-locular; styles as many as ovary loculi, free or variously fused, persistent.
Fruit globose, c. 4 mm long, steely blue when ripe, edible.
Flowering: November–February
Distribution and occurrence: Widespread on the coast and ranges, west to Mt Kaputar N.P. Grows in wet sclerophyll forest, in or on the margins of sub-tropical, warm and cool-temperate rainforest.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST
Other Australian states: Qld Vic.
Text by B.M. Wiecek Taxon concept: Flora of New South Wales, Vol 3, 1992:86.
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