Persoonia mollis subsp. mollis R.Br. APNI*
Description: Leaves 4–12 cm long, 6–17 mm wide, with recurved margins, narrow- elliptic to lanceolate; plants erect. Flower buds, and to a lesser extent young branchlets and young leaves, moderately to densely villous, with spreading, silky-white to copper coloured hairs 1–3 mm long. Hairs on flower buds, young branchlets and young leaves c. 1 mm long, silky-white when fresh, copper coloured when dried.
Distribution and occurrence: In dry to wet sclerophyll forest on Hawkesbury and Narrabeen sandstones, Blue Mtns.
NSW subdivisions: CC, CT
Text by P.H. Weston Taxon concept: P.H. Weston (1995)
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