Passiflora herbertiana subsp. insulae-howei P.S.Green APNI* Description: Twiner with glabrous stems.
Leaves 3-lobed in upper half or sometimes ±entire and ovate, lamina mostly 4–8 (-11) cm long, 5–8 (-12) cm wide; lobes ±triangular, acute to slightly acuminate; central lobe acute; petiole mostly 1.5–3 cm long, with 2 glands at the top; stipules small, linear.
Flowers solitary, orange-yellow to greenish; sepals 2.5–3 cm long, shortly united; petals c. 1 cm long; corona c. 0.5–1 cm long, outer whorl of filiform lobes, inner plicate; androgynophore 3 cm long; ovary glabrous. #flower diam?
Berry ellipsoidal, 4–5 cm long.
Flowering: Spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to Lord Howe Island. Twining on trees in forest on basalt soils.
NSW subdivisions: LHI
Text by Peter G. Wilson Taxon concept: P.S. Green, Fl. Australia vol. 49 (1994)
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