Hibbertia stricta subsp. furcatula Toelken APNI* Synonyms: Hibbertia sp. Menai (A.T. Fairley 15 Dec 2004) APNI*
Description: Small shrub 0.8 - 1.3 m high, up to 70 cm wide, usually upright; branchlets, sepals and carpels densely hairy, leaves less densely hairy, hairs lacking a basal tubercle, reduced-stellate, with two or three stiff strongly ascending to erect arms (or hairs rarely simple), hairs and arms sometimes directed antrorsely. Branchlets pale orange-brown, angular distally, with ridges produced downwards from base of each leaf.
Leaves alternate, unevenly spaced, often appearing almost whorled; each leaf sits on a cupped protuberance from branchlet, linear, 7 - 15 mm long, 0.5 - 0.8 mm wide; margin entire and recurved; adaxial (upper) surface slightly sunken along midrib, venation indistinct or not visible; abaxial (lower) surface with midvein up to 1.5 times as broad as 'rolled' margin, somewhat sunken, with a deep distinct groove along either side.
Flowers solitary, mostly on short lateral branchlets and terminal (but sometimes appearing axillary), sessile or very shortly pedicellate (pedicel up to 0.5 mm long). Sepals narrowly ovate, 4.5 - 7 mm long, 1.5 - 2.5 mm wide, the two 'outer' sepals slightly narrower than other three; margin entire; apex with a short to long point; outer surface outer surface hairy, except near margin, sometimes slightly ridged along midline, papery, green to margin on two 'outer' sepals, or with a distinct pale margin 0.5 mm wide on other three sepals; inner surface glabrous. Petals obovate, 4 - 6.5 mm long, c. 3 mm wide, yellow; midvein pale orange-coloured. Stamens 6 - 8, inserted to one side of carpels; filaments 0.5 - 0.7 mm long; anthers 2 - 3 mm long. Carpels 2, 0.8 - 1 mm long, densely hairy; styles laterally inserted, c. 3 mm long.
Flowering: Flowers September to January (February).
Distribution and occurrence: Occur in two metapopulations, one in the southern outskirts of Sydney (Woronora River gorge area), and one near Nowra on the mid-South Coast of NSW. The Southern Sydney metapopulation occurs on both sides of the Woronora River gorge. Grows in gravelly loam or clay soil in heath under open woodland.
NSW subdivisions: CC, SC
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Endangered
One population conserved in Royal National Park.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: H.R. Toelken & R.T. Miller (2011) J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 25
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