Grevillea parviflora subsp. supplicans Makinson APNI* Synonyms: Grevillea linearifolia 'narrower-leaved Sydney form' (atypical form) APNI* Grevillea parviflora 'Maroota-Berrilee form' of Olde & Marriott (1995) APNI*
Description: Low shrub 0.3–0.6 (-1) m tall. Major branches spreading; branchlets usually strongly secund with leaves held skywards.
Leaves 0.6–2 (-3) mm wide.
Flower colour: perianth white with rusty brown hairs on limb; style white, sometimes becoming red with age. Stipe of ovary 0.5–0.6 mm long.
Flowering: Flowers August–November
Distribution and occurrence: Endemic to N.S.W., occurring NW of Sydney at Berrilee near Arcadia, and in the Maroota to Marramarra Ck area. Grows in heathy woodland associations in skeletal sandy soils over sandstones.
NSW subdivisions: CC
Threatened species: NSW BCA: Endangered
Text by R.O. Makinson Taxon concept: R.O. Makinson (Fl. Australia)
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