Description: Evergreen [or deciduous] herbs; rhizomatous [or cormous].
Leaves with lamina sagittate [to lanceolate], fine venation parallel between lateral veins; petiolate.
Inflorescence solitary, conspicuous, on a long peduncle. Spathe campanulate, convolute in the lower part, acuminate. Spadix ± sessile. Flowers unisexual, the females sometimes interspersed with staminodes. Tepals absent. Stamens free, crowded haphazardly.
Fruit orange and fleshy or [greenish and leathery]; few-seeded.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 6 species, southern & East Africa. Australia: 1 species (naturalized).
A number of species are widely cultivated.
Text by A. Hay Taxon concept: