Description: Leafy annual or short-lived eprennials; culms erect or ascending, few-noded, branched and often fastigate.
Leaves with blades flat, linear to narrowly ovate; ligules ciliate.
Inflorescence a panicle, contracted or opens; spikelets pedicellate on primary and secondary (rarely tertiary) branches; spikelets slightly compressed dorsally, awnless, with a sterile lower floret and bisexual upper florest; glumes unequal, 3–9-nerved, rounded to almost flattened on back; lower glumes 0.5–0.6 X as long as spikelet; lower floret with lemma similar to upper glume; upper floret slightly shorter than spikelet with lemma 7-nerved and pale as long as lemma; stamens 3.
Fruits with seed dorsally compressed, slightly shorter than floret.
Distribution and occurrence: North Far Western Plains; also Qld, N.Terr., SA & WA. Grows in arid to wet tropical Australia
Text by M. Lazarides & R.D. Webster (1985) Taxon concept: M. Lazarides & R.D. Webster (1985)